
Tanglewilde Park & Recreation District Commissioners

Tanglewilde Recreation Center is unique in that it is classified as a “Park and Recreation District’ within the State of Washington.

State law allows for the formation of park and recreation districts as municipal corporations for the purpose of providing recreational activities of a nonprofit nature as a public service to the residents of the geographical areas included within district boundaries. 

Park district commissions consist of a five member nonpartisan board elected within the jurisdiction to serve staggered four-year terms. These districts may acquire property, make contracts, establish fees, make rules, governing park property, and manage and operate facilities according to RCW 36.69.130. They may also impose property taxes, establish local improvement districts, and issue revenue bonds, subject to the restrictions contained in RCW chapter 36.69.

All Park and Recreation Positions are Volunteer and Nonpartisan. We are always looking for new Board members or Commissioners. Anyone interested in serving on either the TRC Board or as a Park District Commissioner can contact Tony Barrett at 

Our commissioners are: 

Seat 1/President: Tony Barrett. 

Seat 2: Wes Martinsen.

Seat 3: Steve Pogue.

Seat 4: Mike Murphy.

Seat 5: Alexis Wallace.